Monday, February 3, 2014

Yerin in a 2014 Superbowl commercial for Microsoft

예린이가 수퍼볼 Microsoft 광고에 잠깐 등장했습니다.
예전에 유투브에 올려 놓은 영상을 보고,
광고에 사용하고 싶다고 연락이 왔었는데요
그 광고가 수퍼볼에 맞춰서 방송될 줄은 정말 몰랐네요^^

Yerin was featured in Microsoft super bowl commercial
They contacted me after seeing that video from the youtube channel
but I didn't know that it was for Super bowl

32초부터 1~2초 정도 나옵니다.
예린이가 "아빠"라고 하는 말도 나오고,
부끄럽게도 제 모습도 같이 아주 잠깐 나옵니다.
이렇게 광고에 나올줄 알았다면, 저 상태로 찍지는 않았을텐데..  ^^

She's coming out at 0:32  and it's just a couple of seconds
You can hear her voice saying ' appa' and there's my face too
If I knew what was going to happen, I wouldn't have looked like that in front of a camera ^^;

미국에서는 많이 봤나봅니다.
잠시 나왔는데 어떻게 알고 현지에서 방송되자마자
SNS로 연락이 많이 왔습니다.

I guess many people saw that in the states
it was just a couple of seconds but once it came out, I got so many messages through SNS

이것은 광고에 나왔던 영상입니다.
제가 두바이로 출장갔을때 찍은 영상이에요
사실 이 영상 찍기 며칠전에 처음 화상통화를 한 적이 있었는데,
그 때 TV에서 제 얼굴을 보고 비명을 어찌나 크게 지르던지..
그래서, 이 영상 촬영 할 때는 한번 해봤다고, 비교적 얌전하게 행동하네요^^

This is the video they used in their commercial
I was on a business trip in Dubai
Actually it was the second time for her to do a video call with me
when she did that for the first time which was a few days before this (
she was literally screaming and going crazy seeing my face on the screen
but she was behaving in this video since it was her second time :)

벌써 1년 반이 지났습니다.
예린이는 동생이 생겼고, 이제는 말도 잘 합니다.
참 세월 빠르네요

It was a year and a half ago already
Now she can speak very well and has a younger sister too
Time sure flies.